• 10-strand fatigue resistant ULTRA high strength rope
  • ForcePac® compacted design results is highest strength
  • ForcePac® for lowest sheave contact pressure
  • DoPar® Inner strands are laid parallel to the outer strands to avoid any strand cross-overs and premature wire nicking

Main Applications

Super high strength wire rope mainly used for engineered cable assemblies, counterweight ropes, winch lines, boom pendants, extension- and retraction cables, etc. Overhead crane applications for sizes above 3/4″
(19 mm) may require some restrictions as to fleet angle
(max. recommended 2˚) and lay direction.

Call before you select this rope.

Rope Characteristics

Python®-Ultra is our highest strength rope available. It is fully compacted resulting in an extreme smooth outer rope surface and the removal of nearly all of the constructional stretch. This is an important feature if you require a low stretch rope for cables assemblies. Ultra is an ‘all parallel’ construction type, meaning that there are no wire cross-overs within the rope body to ensure maximum fatigue life. Ultra provides a strength increase of up to 53% over regular 6-strand constructions. Refer to the conservatively calculated strength tables.

Python®-Ultra requires corresponding drum grooving directions; e.g. use a right hand lay rope if the drum is left hand grooved. Large fleet angles may cause high strands or core protrusion because the rope will ‘roll’ rather than ‘glide’ into the sheave groove. Any introduction of torque into (any) wire rope will cause structural damages.

6-strand   10-strand
Sheave Contact 6-strand Sheave Contact 10-strand


EN 10264, 12385 where applicable

Python® Ultra is NOT rotation resistant or non-rotating.

Breaking Strengths

Note: The maximum CAPACITY, WORKING LOAD LIMIT (WLL), or LINE PULL of the rope usually is 1/5 of the below stated values. For specific information consult the standards applicable to your rope application.

Python® – Ultra
Minimum Strength tons of 2,000 lbs
Rope dia. inch Ultra – EIPS Ultra – EEIPS Weight per foot lbs
1/2 18.7 20.2 0.56
9/16 23.4 25.4 0.73
5/8 28.5 32.4 0.93
3/4 40.2 45.3 1.31
7/8 54.6 62.4 1.75
1 72.6 82.7 2.25
1-1/8 90.8 101.2 2.81
1-1/4 113.4 124.8 3.49
Python® – Ultra
Minimum Strength in kN
Rope dia. mm Ultra – 1960 N/mm² Ultra – 2160 N/mm² Weight per meter kg
12 143 161 0.78
13 168 190 0.91
14 194 221 1.06
15 223 253 1.22
16 254 288 1.38
17 287 325 1.56
18 321 361 1.75
19 358 403 1.95
20 397 446 2.16
21 438 495 2.3
22 480 545 2.57
23 526 589 2.82
24 571 633 3.06
25 620 688 3.33
26 670 743 3.60
27 724 782 3.89
28 778 857 4.17
29 835 920 4.48
30 893 984 4.79
31 954 1,051 5.12
32 1,016 1,119 5.45

Python® Ultra when fabricated into a Uni-Loc® Cable Assembly.

Typical application of Python® Ultra as Retraction- and Extension cables inside mobile crane booms.