Working with Shackles
Select the correct type and WLL of shackle and WLL for the particular application. If extreme circumstances or shock loading may occur, this must be well taken into account when selecting the correct shackle. Please note that only load rated shackles conforming to applicable standards shall be used for lifting applications. Never use “hardware store” type shackles.
to ensure that:
- torted or unduly worn;
- the body and pin are free from nicks, gouges, cracks and corrosion;
- shackles may not be heat treated as this may affect their WLL;
- never modify, repair or reshape a shackle by machining, welding, heating or bending as this will affect the WLL.
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to the shackle eye: tighten it hand-tight, then secure it using a wrench or suitable tool so that the collar of the pin is fully seated against the shackle eye. Ensure that the pin is of the correct length so that it penetrates the full depth of the threaded eye and the collar of the pin seats against the surface of the shackle eye.
Incorrect seating of the pin may be caused by a bent pin, too tight fitting thread or misalignment of the pin holes.
Do not use the shackle under these circumstances. Never replace a shackle pin except with one of the same brand, type, make and size to ensure the shackle maintains its original WLL.
Make sure that the shackle is supporting the load correctly, i.e. along the axis of the shackle body centerline.
to apply a side load on a Green Pin® Sling shackle, Please contact Unirope Ltd.
In-line lifting is considered to be a load perpendicular to the pin and in the plane of the bow. The load angles in the graph represent the deviating angles from inline loading.
When connecting shackles to multi-leg slings, consider the effect of the angle between the legs of the sling. As the angle increases, so does the load in the sling leg and consequently in any shackle attached to that leg.
When a shackle is used to connect two slings to the hook of a lifting device, a bow type shackle must be used. The slings must be connected to the shackle body, and the shackle pin must be placed in the hook. The angle between the slings should not exceed 120°. If the sling legs are loaded equally the shackle may be used to the full WLL.