Unirope Limited is pleased to announce two new and innovative Load Release Systems. These products – from ELEBIA and SCHNELL – are each unique in their own way. From electronically controlled magnets and remotely load attach and release mechanism to engineering that increases safety dramatically, these lifting hooks and magnets will change the lifting industry.

First new product is the ELEBIA Autohook which allows you to remotely attach and release a load. This design is new and innovative. It will lift up a multi-leg sling assembly by its master link with an integrated magnet and then closes the hook around the link.

But the most important feature is that by rotating the entire hook the load is released. The safety feature is that the load can NOT be released unless it is set to the ground or the load weight is supported by other means.

To find out more, please tomatic Release Hook, which is based on the mechanical leverage system. This hook does NOT require any outside power. The load is 100% safe once the load is off the ground. The basic design parameter is that the system is styled like a “self locking” hook.

To find out more, please

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