All removal criteria are based on the use of steel sheave.
  Running Ropes* # of allowable broken wires in Rotation Resistant* # of allowable broken wires in Standing Ropes* # of allowable broken wires
Standard Vers. Equipment 1 rope lay 1 strand in 1 lay 6x rope dia. 30x rope dia. in 1 lay at end connection
AMSE/B30.2 2011 Overhead and Gantry Cranes 12 4
AMSE/B30.3 2012 Tower Cranes 12 4 2 4
AMSE/B30.4 2010 Portal and Pedestal Cranes 6 3 4** 2*** 2
AMSE/B30.5 2011 Mobile and Locomotive Cranes 6 3 2 4 2
AMSE/B30.6 2010 Derricks 6 3 Consult rope manufacturer 3 2
AMSE/B30.7 2011 Winches 6 3 6 4 3 2
AMSE/B30.8 2010 Floating Cranes and Derricks 6 3 4 3 2
AMSE/B30.16 2007 Overhead Hoists (Underhung) 12 4 2 4
AMSE/B30.29 2012 Self Erecting Tower Cranes 6 3 2 4 3 2
* Also remove if you detect one (1) wire broken at the contact point with the core or adjacent strand; so called ‘valley’ breaks.
** 4 in one lay
*** 2 in one strand in one lay

Regular single-layer and parallel type (e.g. DoPar®) Wire Rope

Reference: ISO 4309:2010; Number of wire breaks, reached or exceeded, of visible broken wires
Number of visible broken wiresb
Sections of rope working in steel sheaves and/or spooling on a single layer drum (wire breaks ramdomly distributed) Sections of rope spooling
on a multiple-layer drumc
Classes M1 to M4 or class unknownd All Classes
Regular Lay Langs Lay Regular and Langs Lay
Number of load bearing wires in outer strandsa Examples of rope constructions and types Over a length of 6xde Over a length of 30xde Over a length of 6xde Over a length of 30xde Over a length of 6xde Over a length of 30xde
under 50 6×7, 7×7 2 4 1 2 4 8
51 to 75 6×19 Seale* 3 6 2 3 6 12
76 to 100   4 8 2 4 8 16
101 to 120 6×26, 6×25, 8×19 Seale 5 10 2 5 10 19
121 to 140   6 11 3 6 11 22
141 to 160 8×19 Filler, Python® Super 8 6 13 3 6 13 26
161 to 180 6×36*, Python® Power-9 7 14 4 7 14 29
181 to 200 Python® Multi, Python® Ultra 8 16 4 8 16 32
201 to 220 6×41* 9 18 4 9 18 38
221 to 240   10 19 5 10 19 38
241 to 260 8×36* 10 21 5 10 21 42
261 to 280   11 22 6 11 22 45
281 to 300   12 24 6 12 24 48
300 and over   0.04n 0.08n 0.02n 0.04n 0.08n 0.16n
Ropes having outer strands of Seale construction where the number of wires in each strand is 19 or less (e.g. 6×19 Seale) are placed in this table two rows above that row in which the construction would normally be placed based on the number of load bearing wires in the outer layer of strands.

a) Filler wires are not regarded as load-bearing wires and are not included in the number of total wires in the outer strands.
b) A broken wire has two ends (counted as one wire break)
c) The discard criteria for ropes spooling on to multiple layer drums applies to deterioration that occurs at the cross-over zones and interference between wraps due to fleet angle effects and NOT to sections of rope which only work in sheaves and do NOT spool onto the drum.
d) Twice the number of broken wires listed may be applied to ropes on mechanisms whose ISO classification is known to be M5 to M8
e) d = nominal rope diameter
f) All removal criteria are based on the use of steel sheaves.

Rotation-Resistant and Non-Rotating Wire Rope
or Category I, and II according to ASTM 1023

Reference: ISO 4309:2010; Number of wire breaks, reached or exceeded, of visible broken wires
Number of visible broken wiresb
Sections of rope working in steel sheaves and/or spooling on a single layer drum (wire breaks ramdomly distributed) Sections of rope spooling
on a multiple-layer drumc
All Classes All Classes
Number of load bearing wires in outer strandsa Examples of rope constructions and types Over a length of 6xdd Over a length of 30xdd Over a length of 6xdd Over a length of 30xdd
4 strands ≤ 100 4x29F 2 4 2 4
3 or 4 strands ≥ 100 4×26 WS, K3x40 2 4 4 8
At least 11 outer strands
71 to 100 19×7 2 4 4 8
101 to 120 34×7 3 5 5 10
121 to 140 39×7 3 5 6 11
141 to 160   3 6 6 13
161 to 180   4 7 7 14
181 to 200 19x19S 4 8 8 16
201 to 220   4 9 9 18
221 to 240 35x17S 5 10 10 19
241 to 260   5 10 10 21
261 to 280   6 11 11 22
281 to 300   6 12 12 24
300 and over 35x31WS, 35x25F, 35x19W 6 12 12 24
Ropes having outer strands of Seale construction where the number of wires in each strand is 19 or less (e.g. 6×19 Seale) are placed in this table two rows above that row in which the construction would normally be placed based on the number of load bearing wires in the outer layer of strands.

a) Filler wires are not regarded as load-bearing wires and are not included in the number of total wires in the outer strands.
b) A broken wire has two ends (counted as one wire break)
c) The discard criteria for ropes spooling on to multiple layer drums applies to deterioration that occurs at the cross-over zones and interference between wraps due to fleet angle effects and NOT to sections of rope which only work in sheaves and do NOT spool onto the drum.
d) d = nominal rope diameter
e) All removal criteria are based on the use of steel sheaves.